Tuesday, 17 January 2012

The understanding of sociology

I am Rola Elhayek, I was born in Saudi Arabia in 1988. I am interested in sports, music and arts. The reason why I am in sociology 1125 is because my major area of study is criminology and sociology is one of the courses I need to take in order for me to graduate.
Sociology is the knowledge of society; it is the study of human social behaviour, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society.
Sociology is the human interactions and social groups. It is what happens between individuals when they meet. We can’t see or feel society, this is why it is not phenomenon, but we have to believe in it because it exists.  Sociology is dialectic. We create society and it creates us, so we create what create us, which means it works the opposite way. People move on in this world but the social life will continue to go on and it never dies.
With society and making social groups we need rules for example: 1125 sociology class is a society but it needs a teacher to create rules and the students have to follow these rules, for successful, organized class. That’s how society works. We have agencies to act, if there are no rules and no agencies we wouldn’t be here. We live by values, and our actions are controlled by the society rules.
We depend and lean on others, People come together to interact, we can’t live without society. We are social animals, we need others to survive, it is our nature that we need to rely on people to survive.
We live in iron cage, which means we have to obey and follow rules just like a bird in a cage who has freedom but only inside the cage. We are born free but as we grow we begin to realize that we have to balance and compromise our needs with other people’s needs.
We have to surrender some of our freedom to create society and when we create norms we follow it, in other words we create society and society controls us, so it turns out to be a self-creating process.
Some elements of society are “Relationships” which are real but they have consequences’, because wrong behaviour can get you yelled at and sometimes dead. “Statuses” which is the location in the relationship, we play rules based on our statuses’ for example the husband play different rule then the wife does.
The purpose of sociology is to understand society realistically; we use reasons, logical to study, Like what is realistically happening, not hopping or wishing and assuming what will happen. It is to understand why certain people are the way they are, find the reason for their behaviour before judging them and jump to conclusions.
we are logical and social beans, we were born twice, first we are biological beans which is the nature of our behaviour,  second we are born by social beans which means our behaviour is controlled by the rules we need to follow which in the first place we made and created.  

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