Friday, 24 February 2012

Chapter two Discrimination faced by members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community: Issues in Social Justice

Author: Jacob Armstrong
In the Issues In Social Justice book, Chapter two talks about discrimination faced by members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. In June 28, 1969 the genesis of the gay rights movement began then became an issue because same sex marriage became a threat to the traditional marriage as well as to the hall community. In society there is rules based on our gender for example women are expected to be more emotional than men, but for some people they find it very difficult to follow their gender rules for example a girl maybe interested on be women instead of men, that she does not see men attractive. So sexuality is a big issue and what makes sexuality even more complicated is when something falls in between heterosexuality and homosexuality which is bisexuality, this is related to an individual who is interested in both men and women.
 The process of coming out of the individuals heterosexual identity change for becoming lesbian and bisexual begins in their mid to late teen years and sometimes to mid-twenties, and sometimes  social interaction would be the main influence of the individuals sex change.
The process of coming out is very difficult and sometimes shameful for some people when they think about the consequences of becoming homosexual, about the society and its acceptance to gays and lesbians, about their friends, family  and most important their “rights” on how much support they will get from the government and  legislation, knowing that the state tried to silence and limit their population right after they made the decision on legalizing same sex marriages, also knowing that the federal government did not want to be involved in this for its conflict with the bible.
So homosexuals are not well protected by the states or legislation for example: that even if an assault was committed to a gay or lesbian either emotionally or physically sometimes they believe that the assault would not have been committed to this specific individual if they were to be straight.
Jobs and housing have also became an issue for homosexuals, many gays and lesbians have actually been fired from their jobs or not even been hired in jobs or got hired but paid less and that’s  be and that’s cause of their status, it was also difficult for them to find living as well for the same reason. So homosexuals suffered from discrimination within employment and housing because there is no legal protection against employment and housing discrimination, so some of them started to hide their status in order for them to get a job and a house.  Homosexuals did become a threat to the United States that based on their behaviour there became an economic effect.
There is a policy or protection that could be made against discrimination but it may not work anyways for employments and housing, but in society the acceptance of homosexuals into an everyday life now is becoming wider.

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